Monday, April 14, 2008

Mild day ...longer ride

Today was pretty nice, started out a bit chilly (32 degrees F) but ended up right around 50 degrees F. It was a good day. I rode into work, hung out and worked (it really is too bad I can't just ride and get paid for it). My legs felt like lead for the ride into work. I mean each movement of the pedal stroke was a labor!

Left work and headed out towards Airport Rd. which is where my daughter was playing softball...sat and watched the game...she made some really good plays and I was impressed with her ability considering this is her first year playing. She even had a pretty good hit in the 3rd inning.

After the game she had to ride the bus home to get her homework, which was fine with me since I didn't have room for her on the bike. Haha! So, I called hubby and told him he needed to pick the boys up from my mom's and then go to the high school and pick up Cassy. I left my phone on vibrate and threw it into my bag...

Hit the bike path and headed to the house and realized I had missed several calls from hubby, so I call him back because I made it home before him...which is crazy since I had a 10 mile ride home. He said he had been trying to call because he wanted to catch me and give me a ride...LOL...I'm so glad the phone was on vibrate and I didn't hear it, who'd want a ride home on a gorgeous afternoon? Not me!
But I appreciate his desire to make sure I'm not overworked! heehee!

So, I sat on the porch waiting for them to get home and enjoying the setting sun. As I came in the house I realized no one had checked the mail so I started looking through it and was elated to find that my rebate for some stuff I bought came in...woohoo! Now I can order those larger panniers and maybe grab some aerobars for the Udder Century ride in order to give myself an extra body position to be in to help alleviate some of the back cramping that sometimes occurs on longer rides for me.

All right, I'm going downstairs to have a cup of coffee!

Blessed Be!

Safe and Happy riding my friends!


amidnightrider said...

A great week is in store on Cape Cod. I'm off tomorrow and it's going to be 70. Cape Cod canal anyone?

gabby1 said...

Lucky you. I'm meeting some club members after work for a ride on Wednesday...however we are looking at more 25 mph winds :( I really dislike fighting the wind! Although I will enjoy 60+ degree's for the ride!