Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Day of Conferences

Today was the first day of conferences. It was actually an extremely informative day! I learned so much! I mean, I have not been trained on alot of these things before - so a lot of it is new . It was also very nice to meet some of the people I talk to on the phone all the time - it's always good to put a name and face together.

Tomorrow is more of the same - new manuals and information to hear.

On a sad note - this is my second evening in this town and I have yet to get on my bike and go for a ride. This is upsetting to me. Tomorrow my boss and our head receptionist (who does payroll) will be coming down in the evening and I am supposed to meet them for dinner - so I'm not sure if I will manage to get myself out on the bike...that actually seems like a good plan - so in these few moments as I was typing and thinking this out the plan is now that I will go out and ride in the morning.

I am considering just getting up really early and heading out on the route that someone from town emailed me. I should have no problem getting back to the hotel in time to get cleaned up and get myself to the conference center...that is as long as I don't get lost! LOL!

The corporate people took us out to dinner tonight - to the Texas Roadhouse (or maybe it was the Texas Steakhouse) - I had steak and shrimp - YUM!

Okay, I think I'm going to get going - I should probably try hitting the bed pretty soon!

Okay, ride safe and wish me luck tomorrow!

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