Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of the new school year

5:36 a.m. I've done my workout. I've fed the dogs. I'll go get the socks out of the dryer in a few minutes.

Soon I will be waking up the kids for their first day of school. The first day is never bad...the first week is usually pretty good. Once we get a week or two into the school year things head downhill; kids don't want to get up in the mornings upset because of homework and the like...not fun!

Anyway, we've gotten no where with the busing situation which means that I'll be walking the boys to school this morning. They only have a half day of school so my neighbor Nicole is picking them up when she picks up her son. For the most part I think I'll walk or we will ride our bikes on days that are decent and I will only beg a ride for them from her when the weather turns bad...that way she doesn't get tired of them or being the bus. I don't want to take advantage of her, especially since I do appreciate her generosity in offering to take them and pick them up! They like to ride to school and it's fine with me because we can leave earlier and get there before we normally would have even had to walk outside when the bus used to pick them up - which ultimately means me getting to work a bit sooner.
I'll leave work most days in time to get to their school and pick them up to ride/walk home together. This will mean that I will be working on Saturday's but I have a feeling that will be happening anyway since I am short on receptionists.

Okay, better run. I need to get in my Portuguese lesson for the day this morning as I will be baking cupcakes tonight. Tomorrow the twins turn 8 and since school has started that means cupcakes for 2 classrooms! HURRAY!

Take care and Ride Safe!

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