Thursday, November 6, 2008

Somewhere over the Rainbow...

Today was a busy day. I woke up early and was sitting here watching Fox News (which is probably the most unbiased reporting I've seen in years), when it suddenly dawned on me that today was Parent Teacher Conferences...which in and of itself is no big deal except that I realized I was expected to bring in bread or some sort of thing for the teachers. YIKES! I ran into the kitchen, opening cupboards and slamming doors - trying to figure out what I could throw together - I managed to bake a large lemon cake which I cut to make look like a lemon bread. WHEW! Crisis Avoided!
Except I then had to figure out how to load the plate onto my GF Wingra (this proved pretty easy considering the rack on the bike and the straps from the panniers. I added a bungi cord and was good to go.
I left work in order to make parent teacher conferences - as I was leaving the school I noticed a rainbow. I took the pic which amazingly turned out pretty good. It had rained most of the day. I was very lucky to have made it to work unscathed by the rain and then back to the school and back home without as much as a drop! LUCKY ME!
Ride safe!


Johnny said...

I saw a rain bow too yesterday, over by blockbuster! Actually it was a double rainbow, and I could see the whole arch on both of them! I've never seen that before.

gabby1 said...

Those are so cool.