Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yesterday was filled with visiting doctors.

We spent many hours in doctors offices yesterday - First Brendon had to be seen by the doctor because of his heart condition. We are going to have to have more tests done at the cardiologists office.

Later in the day I spent almost 2 hours in the doctors office. He asked me if lymphoma runs in the family. I told him I wasn't aware of it if it did but that I don't speak to my father (that's a whole long drawn out issue - not that I wouldn't like to speak to him but daddy dearest has a wife and two sons who are a few years older than I bad scene).

So, he is concerned and wants a CT scan of my check if I have nodes in my chest...I'm a little confused about the whole thing but will be doing some research. So, I have to call over to the hospital this morning and get that scheduled - he said he wants it done immediately.

He also said if there was any way to contact my father and find out that it would be a good idea...ugh! I called my mom last night - told her the situation and asked her to call, her best friend's husband is friends with my father so however the information gets relayed is fine - I just want an answer. I know that he had 2 sisters who died in their 30's or early 40's but don't know why. So, that information could prove to be important.

So, that's the news on this end. I'm actually pretty calm and collected. I mean, it's not a diagnosis and a lot of things could be a problem that manifests certain other things - so, until I hear for sure I'm just going to stay calm about it all.

We are supposed to get more snow today but I'm riding anyway - if it's too bad when I leave work I'll just have Bob pick me up on his way home.

Happy and Safe riding!


amidnightrider said...

Lots of stuff to think about at your end huh?

I was coddled by my two sons in Colorado. Both are master cooks and they combined to put on a masterful fully organic Thanksgiving dinner.

No biking, but lots of hiking. Biking begins again tomorrow when I go back to work after 13 days off.

All the best for the doctors and tests.

gabby1 said...

It's been interesting to say the least.
Sounds like a great dinner!

Thanks for the good wishes. I'll keep everyone (well you and Sally who are the only people that read my posts haha) posted :)