Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Catholic Guilt and all that...

Tonight was the First Reconciliation service for the group of RCIA and RCIC candidates. It was interesting - Larry made me go up to the podium and read the psalm...he really doesn't appreciate how much I dislike being in front of a group of people. I am certain my face remained bright red for about 20 minutes after I had gone back to my pew and sat down. Oh well...I guess since I'll have to do this more often in the future that I will just have to get used to it.

The kids all lined up for reconciliation, along with the adult candidates...some of the other people who had come got in line as well, I didn't...which was fine and dandy until it was all over and Father walked up to the group I was standing around talking with and said "next time we will have to get Patty to come to confession.." OUCH! And bing, bang, boom...Catholic Guilt set in - and has been rearing it's head at me ever since.

I probably should have gone into the confessional - Lord knows I should have - but since it was supposed to be first reconciliation I felt like I shouldn't take up all the time that Father had to give...you know me...thus confession is time consuming :)

So, now that the guilt has set in, I suppose I will now need to go to confession tomorrow!
I have to admit I like Joan's idea of emailing the priest our list of sins for confession and they could email us our penance...(Sarcasm...sort of)...while the idea of not having to go sit there and bear my soul sounds good, I know it wouldn't have the same effect...but a girl can dream can't she?

That's about it. I suppose I will also have to go to this particular priest since he 'busted' me out so publically.

Safe and Happy riding! Here's hoping the weather improves soon!

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