Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Early Mornings before the rain...

It's about 5:30 a.m. I brewed some coffee while doing a short workout...went back to my martial arts training and pulled out some old workout stuff from that. Felt good, definitely stretched some things that haven't been stretched in a while.

Now I'm on my back patio, with my computer and a cup of coffee...watching my dogs be silly. It smells like rain and I know we are set for some thunderstorms today, and pretty much all week. It could really rain between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. every day and I would be just fine with that :o) By the way...I love the smell of rain.

Day 11 without a smoke...feeling pretty darn good!

Now to do the following with my spare time:
1. Learn to play the guitar...my friend Sarah will teach me...but of course charge me...considering looking online to learn some basics.

2. Finish the 200 hats for the St. Jude kids...

3. Seriously learn to speak Portuguese since my Mai has moved to Portugal!

4. Complete at least 2 - 5K runs this summer.

5. Complete the Beanzie Century Ride, and at least 1 other this summer.

6. Get my office/craft room area in order.

7. Prepare for the annual garage sale.

Well, I suppose that's enough to work on for the summer...considering I still will have birthday parties and the like to deal with.

Happy Riding my friends...hope to see you out there!


Sally said...

I love to see you posting more! Congrats on 11 days! That's awesome. I was thinking that if I get my act together, I might try to help you out with some of those hats....I have so much yarn and hats make up pretty quickly...it'll give me something to do at all of the car shows this summer.

I just downloaded the Couch to 5K app for my phone...I've done it once so far...just glad I was able to make it thru. Not really planning on running a 5K, just trying to get back to exercising.

I'm starting my summer list, too.... there's always so much that I want to do.

gabby1 said...

Sally - Thanks, I think I screwed up though...I think yesterday was day 10...because I stopped smoking on the 30th of April...that night I smoked my last one...so technically Tuesday was only 10 days...oh well...apparently I can't count to save my life lol!

Let me know if you decide to help with the hats...I figure the kids might like them and honestly the kids (with cancer specifically but even with any disease) seem to never have those feel sorry for themselves kind of attitudes that so many adults do...they see it as another challenge...and they are so positive, often being the comforter for their families...it's very amazing and inspirational.

I wonder if they have that couch to 5K app for blackberry...will have to check that out.

Summer comes and goes so fast and I always am left with all these things I wish I had done :(