Sunday, July 31, 2011

I had my biopsy on July 25. To say that the discomfort from it has been pretty intense would be an understatemenT. However, at this point I am doing much better and not in a drug induced half awake state of being. The surgeon felt that it went well & following the surgery told Bob that she didn't think the node that was removed looked suspicious. The biopsy will still be completed, and I will have results on Tuesday August 2nd.

Mammogram results were negative, nothing bad going on there.

My nerves are still a bit stretched as the wait continues.

I now have a very large wound on my neck that needs to heal. The area is very sensitive. Swallowing is sometimes difficult, as is talking loudly & laughing loudly (which us what I do).

Can't wait to get back to training for the 5K I'm going to run at the SweetCorn Festival in Hoopeston, Illinois this year with my best friends big brother Steve Johnson. Hopefully, I can start training again this week.

Much love, thanks for the prayers & I will update as soon as I have information on the biopsy results.


Sally said...

You're going to be down, for the Sweetcorn Fest? (at least for Sat?) We'll be coming down for the fest...we've made it a tradition to stay at my dad's house and they always have a car show on Sat. in the park, too, and we always bring a car and go to that. Maybe I'll see you.

Sally said...

I should have also said that I'm glad to read that the surgeon was positive about how the node looked.

gabby1 said...

Yes, we plan on going down. I'm sure we will visit the car show. We try to not miss a good car show. Hopefully we will see you!

:)Final results will be in Tuesday, so hopefully the results will be as positive as the surgeon was!