Friday, March 23, 2012

Sex Offenders...

The other day I found out that my husband's father, a known sex offender, who happens to be on the Sex offender registry for life because he is considered a sexual predator, was in Shabbona, Illinois. He and his wife were on the motorcycle driving around enjoying their retirement.

Mind you, we have NOTHING to do with them and if he should ever get within 1000 feet of my family he will be arrested...however, he is not supposed to be in state parks, which is exactly what he loves to do when he is out on his motorcycle (drive through state parks). However, because he has served his sentence and just has to be on the list for the rest of his life, he is not closely monitored. For this reason he thinks he is able to do what he wants.

I am so disgusted. I did call the state park, and sent an email with a link to his picture on the website for sex offenders to the state park law enforcement email.

The entire thing just leaves me spinning...we sentence and watch people who have committed crimes to property more closely than we do the damn criminals who hurt people!

For anyone in the Northern Illinois area : Here ya go...beware!

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