Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today is my 19th wedding anniversary. I look back and wonder how in the world it's been that long...I remember the girl I used to be and the woman I am now...I think of how full of hopes and dreams we were and how playing house seemed such a great thing...and then reality hit...

Some of our hopes and dreams have been realized, some we are still aspiring to. Playing house turned in to a lot of hard work. Marriage wasn't some fairy tale.

Two people with different personalities trying to make a life together and then throwing children in to the mix is a lot of negotiating, a lot of swallowing pride, a lot of compromise. People don't tell you that when you are young.

On our wedding day one of my in-laws walked up to us at the reception and said to us "I don't give it 6 guys are fools."

Well, every anniversary I think HA! We made it! And, we have. There have been challenges galore.

Both of us, even though young when we came in to this marriage had our own set of baggage that needed to be dealt with but that we both attempted to hide away in a closet and ignore..., we have had the births of our children, the premature births of our youngest two, long hospitalizations for them, surgeries, a horrifying ordeal with our oldest child and a family member, my husband fighting cancer, the birth of our grandson....some of these things were bad, some good, some were horrible at the time but brought us out on the other side stronger than we were.

I thank God that we were put together somehow and that we have, by his grace, and our willingness to submit to a little crow eating and putting aside of pride, stayed together.

Happy 19th Anniversary to us!

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